The Wessagussett Plantation

Phineas Pratt's Narrative

Gorges' Servants
1635 Settlers List
1642 Native Deed to Weymouth
Wessagussett Locations
Timeline of Wessagussett
Edward Winslow's Account
Translation of the name Wessagussett
Phineas Pratt's Narrative
Pratt Facts about Wessagussett
Thomas Morton's Account
Wessagussett Cast of Characters


Phineas Pratt was one of the settlers at the ill-fated Wessagussett settlement.  His narrative is the most complete and detailed account of the events leading up to Plymouth's attack on the Natives who were (to say the least) "having trouble with the English" . Pratt recounted the events of 1622/ 23 in 1662 (40 years after the fact) when he was attempting to collect financial assistance from the Massachusetts Colony government. In the narrative, Pratt paints himself as the hero, and to a casual reader the leader, of the colony.  Perhaps he was left in charge when the appointed leader Mr. John Sanders (Saunders) left to acquire supplies from fisherman to the north, but this is not stated anywhere.  It is likely that Pratt while Pratt appears to have been an outstanding figure in this saga, he was inflating his role.  One has to remember, he was writing this narrative to show why he deserved to be financially compensated by the government.  Not exactly an unbiased source without any ulterior motive.  There also may not have been anyone else around to dispute his version of the events, so perhaps he felt that he could place himself in center stage.  His narrative does contain certain elements and phrasings which are very similar to Edward Winslow's account, indicating either (or both) that he had read Winslow's version (possibly to refresh his memory) or that Winslow had gotten part of his version from discussions with Pratt (a likely situation as well since Pratt was in Plymouth).  Either way, Pratt's version gives firm evidence for the general location of the settlement and helps to narrow down where one would search for it.

Original Version

Modernized Version

Facts Regarding the Layout and Location of the Plantation that Can be Gleaned from Pratt

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